Industrial Productivity Manufacturing Technology

Software Products

Originally published in 1993

CLIPS has assisted Clarity Software, Inc. in developing a smart" mail program to help e-mail users compose complex rules for managing their e-mail. The user defines the rules and sets conditions followed by actions to be taken on completion of the conditions. Without CLIPS the company would have had to develop its own - a more expensive alternative system. The NASA program has also enabled Clarity to market its product faster and gain a competitive edge. CLIPS (C Language Integrated Production System) was developed by NASA's Johnson Space Center. It is a shell for developing expert systems designed to permit research development and delivery on conventional computers."

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CLIPS has assisted Clarity Software, Inc. in developing a smart" mail program to help e-mail users compose complex rules for managing their e-mail. The user defines the rules and sets conditions followed by actions to be taken on completion of the conditions. Without CLIPS the company would have had to develop its own - a more expensive alternative system. The NASA program has also enabled Clarity to market its product faster and gain a competitive edge. CLIPS (C Language Integrated Production System) was developed by NASA's Johnson Space Center. It is a shell for developing expert systems designed to permit research development and delivery on conventional computers."
Software Products

Software Products

Software Products

Software Products