Industrial Productivity Manufacturing Technology

Dairy Equipment Lubrication

Originally published in 1978

Under a NASA contract, Lake to Lake Dairy Cooperative and Midwest Research Institute compiled a handbook consolidating information about commercially available lubricants. Handbook details chemical and physical properties, applications, specifications, test procedures and test data for liquid and solid lubricants. Engineers use the handbook to effect savings in maintenance labor and material costs by reducing the number of lubricants used on certain equipment. The handbook is a good reference source when a new item of equipment is purchased.

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Under a NASA contract, Lake to Lake Dairy Cooperative and Midwest Research Institute compiled a handbook consolidating information about commercially available lubricants. Handbook details chemical and physical properties, applications, specifications, test procedures and test data for liquid and solid lubricants. Engineers use the handbook to effect savings in maintenance labor and material costs by reducing the number of lubricants used on certain equipment. The handbook is a good reference source when a new item of equipment is purchased.
Dairy Equipment Lubrication

Dairy Equipment Lubrication

Dairy Equipment Lubrication

Dairy Equipment Lubrication