Industrial Productivity Manufacturing Technology

Inspection Tools

Originally published in 1989

A NASA Tech Briefs" article describing an inspection tool and technique known as Optically Stimulated Electron Emission (OSEE) led to the formation of Photo Acoustic Technology Inc. (PAT). PAT produces sensors and scanning systems which assure surface cleanliness prior to bonding coating painting etc. The company's OP1000 series realtime pre-processing detection capability assures 100 percent surface quality testing. The technique involves brief exposure of the inspection surface to ultraviolet radiation. The energy interacts with the surface layer causing free electrons to be emitted from the surface to be picked up by the detector. When contamination is present it interferes with the electron flow in proportion to the thickness of the contaminant layer enabling measurement by system signal output. OP1000 systems operate in conventional atmospheres on all types of material and detect both organic and inorganic contamination."

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A NASA Tech Briefs" article describing an inspection tool and technique known as Optically Stimulated Electron Emission (OSEE) led to the formation of Photo Acoustic Technology Inc. (PAT). PAT produces sensors and scanning systems which assure surface cleanliness prior to bonding coating painting etc. The company's OP1000 series realtime pre-processing detection capability assures 100 percent surface quality testing. The technique involves brief exposure of the inspection surface to ultraviolet radiation. The energy interacts with the surface layer causing free electrons to be emitted from the surface to be picked up by the detector. When contamination is present it interferes with the electron flow in proportion to the thickness of the contaminant layer enabling measurement by system signal output. OP1000 systems operate in conventional atmospheres on all types of material and detect both organic and inorganic contamination."
Inspection Tools

Inspection Tools

Inspection Tools

Inspection Tools