Project LASER

Originally published in 1990

NASA formally launched Project LASER (Learning About Science, Engineering and Research) in March 1990, a program designed to help teachers improve science and mathematics education and to provide hands on" experiences. It featured the first LASER Mobile Teacher Resource Center (MTRC) is designed to reach educators all over the nation. NASA hopes to operate several MTRCs with funds provided by private industry. The mobile unit is a 22-ton tractor-trailer stocked with NASA educational publications and outfitted with six work stations. Each work station which can accommodate two teachers at a time has a computer providing access to NASA Spacelink. Each also has video recorders and photocopy/photographic equipment for the teacher's use. MTRC is only one of the five major elements within LASER. The others are: a Space Technology Course to promote integration of space science studies with traditional courses; the Volunteer Databank in which NASA employees are encouraged to volunteer as tutors instructors etc; Mobile Discovery Laboratories that will carry simple laboratory equipment and computers to provide hands-on activities for students and demonstrations of classroom activities for teachers; and the Public Library Science Program which will present library based science and math programs. The prototype LASER program is being developed by Marshall Space Flight Center. NASA Spacelink is sponsored by the NASA Educational Affairs Division; systems software was developed and donated by Data General Corporation."

Full article:

NASA formally launched Project LASER (Learning About Science, Engineering and Research) in March 1990, a program designed to help teachers improve science and mathematics education and to provide hands on" experiences. It featured the first LASER Mobile Teacher Resource Center (MTRC) is designed to reach educators all over the nation. NASA hopes to operate several MTRCs with funds provided by private industry. The mobile unit is a 22-ton tractor-trailer stocked with NASA educational publications and outfitted with six work stations. Each work station which can accommodate two teachers at a time has a computer providing access to NASA Spacelink. Each also has video recorders and photocopy/photographic equipment for the teacher's use. MTRC is only one of the five major elements within LASER. The others are: a Space Technology Course to promote integration of space science studies with traditional courses; the Volunteer Databank in which NASA employees are encouraged to volunteer as tutors instructors etc; Mobile Discovery Laboratories that will carry simple laboratory equipment and computers to provide hands-on activities for students and demonstrations of classroom activities for teachers; and the Public Library Science Program which will present library based science and math programs. The prototype LASER program is being developed by Marshall Space Flight Center. NASA Spacelink is sponsored by the NASA Educational Affairs Division; systems software was developed and donated by Data General Corporation."
Project LASER

Project LASER

Project LASER

Project LASER