Nacelle Design
Rohr Industries, Inc. specializes in the manufacturing of nacelles, thrust reversers, and other engine components, has made use of the COSMIC program in nacelle work for aircraft like the McDonnell Douglas DC-10, the French/German Airbus and the Boeing 727, 737 and 747 jetliners. They also manufacture complete nacelles for military and business aircraft and are supplying nacelle components for the Boeing 757. The nacelle requires research and development for each type of airplane because of complex airflows around the engine inlet and high pressures on the nacelle skin. The use of the computer program defines the airflow field around turbofan engine nacelle inlet and cowls. Pressures on the nacelle skin are estimated for various flight conditions and structural integrity of the nacelle design. Rohr estimates that use of this program saved six man-months of programmer time necessary to develop alternative software.
Full article: http://hdl.handle.net/hdl:2060/20030002791

Nacelle Design

Nacelle Design