Information Technology

Scientific Software

Originally published in 1995

The Interactive Data Language (IDL), developed by Research Systems, Inc., is a tool for scientists to investigate their data without having to write a custom program for each study. IDL is based on the Mariners Mars spectral Editor (MMED) developed for studies from NASA's Mars spacecraft flights. The company has also developed Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI), an image processing system for easily analyzing remotely sensed data written in IDL. The Visible Human CD, another Research Systems product, is the first complete digital reference of photographic images for exploring human anatomy.

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The Interactive Data Language (IDL), developed by Research Systems, Inc., is a tool for scientists to investigate their data without having to write a custom program for each study. IDL is based on the Mariners Mars spectral Editor (MMED) developed for studies from NASA's Mars spacecraft flights. The company has also developed Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI), an image processing system for easily analyzing remotely sensed data written in IDL. The Visible Human CD, another Research Systems product, is the first complete digital reference of photographic images for exploring human anatomy.
Scientific Software

Scientific Software

Scientific Software

Scientific Software