Public Safety

Breaking the Ice

Originally published in 1989

Electro-Expulsive Separation System, a low power electro-thermal deicer, was invented by Leonard A. Haslim from the Ames Research Center, who was named 1988 NASA Inventor of the Year for his work. Sold under license by Dataproducts New England, Inc., it consists of an elastic, rubberlike deicer boot on the wing's leading edge with copper ribbons embedded in it. Conductors are separated by slits in between and parallel to the ribbons. When the system is switched on, a bank of capicitors in the power supply discharges into the conductors which induces the conductor pairs to repel each other. This results in a powerful force causing the slit voids to expand explosively, removing ice on the wing. EESS is more flexible, more effective, and easier to maintain than previous systems. Potential ship, bridge and industrial applications are under study.

Full article:

Electro-Expulsive Separation System, a low power electro-thermal deicer, was invented by Leonard A. Haslim from the Ames Research Center, who was named 1988 NASA Inventor of the Year for his work. Sold under license by Dataproducts New England, Inc., it consists of an elastic, rubberlike deicer boot on the wing's leading edge with copper ribbons embedded in it. Conductors are separated by slits in between and parallel to the ribbons. When the system is switched on, a bank of capicitors in the power supply discharges into the conductors which induces the conductor pairs to repel each other. This results in a powerful force causing the slit voids to expand explosively, removing ice on the wing. EESS is more flexible, more effective, and easier to maintain than previous systems. Potential ship, bridge and industrial applications are under study.
Breaking the Ice

Breaking the Ice

Breaking the Ice

Breaking the Ice