Health and Medicine

New Help for MS Patients

Originally published in 1993

The Mark VII MicroClimate Medical Personal Cooling system enables multiple sclerosis' victims, as well as cerebral palsy, spinabifida patients and others to lower their body temperatures. Although this is not a cure, cooling can produce a dramatic improvement in symptoms. The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America has placed cool suits in MS research care centers. This technology originated in the need for cooling systems in spacesuits. Cool Suits" are now used by hazardous materials workers armored vehicle crews firefighters and crop dusters. A surgical personal cooling system has also been developed for medical personnel working in hot operating room environments."

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The Mark VII MicroClimate Medical Personal Cooling system enables multiple sclerosis' victims, as well as cerebral palsy, spinabifida patients and others to lower their body temperatures. Although this is not a cure, cooling can produce a dramatic improvement in symptoms. The Multiple Sclerosis Association of America has placed cool suits in MS research care centers. This technology originated in the need for cooling systems in spacesuits. Cool Suits" are now used by hazardous materials workers armored vehicle crews firefighters and crop dusters. A surgical personal cooling system has also been developed for medical personnel working in hot operating room environments."
New Help for MS Patients

New Help for MS Patients

New Help for MS Patients

New Help for MS Patients