
Iceproofing Helicopters

Originally published in 1977

United Technologies adapted NASA's Lewis Research Center's wind tunnel. This tunnel is used for injecting supercooled water droplets into the wind thereby simulating a natural icing cloud and observing how ice builds up on various shaped surfaces. From Lewis, Sikorsky engineers obtained information which optimized the design of inlet anti-ice system. Resulting design proved to be an effective anti-icing modification for the flying crane. Sikorsky is also using additional Lewis icing research tunnel data in its development of a new VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircraft.

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United Technologies adapted NASA's Lewis Research Center's wind tunnel. This tunnel is used for injecting supercooled water droplets into the wind thereby simulating a natural icing cloud and observing how ice builds up on various shaped surfaces. From Lewis, Sikorsky engineers obtained information which optimized the design of inlet anti-ice system. Resulting design proved to be an effective anti-icing modification for the flying crane. Sikorsky is also using additional Lewis icing research tunnel data in its development of a new VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing) aircraft.
Iceproofing Helicopters

Iceproofing Helicopters

Iceproofing Helicopters

Iceproofing Helicopters