Public Safety

New Life for Miss Liberty

Originally published in 1985

Corrosion protection for the Statue of Liberty's interior structure is provided by a coating called IC 531, manufactured by Inorganic Coatings, Inc. The coating was developed by Goddard to protect structures at KSC. Inorganic Coatings has an exclusive to this high ratio potassium silicate formula. The coating is water based, nontoxic, nonflammable, and bonds to steel in 30 minutes. Tests on a variety of coated structures have been very positive.

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Corrosion protection for the Statue of Liberty's interior structure is provided by a coating called IC 531, manufactured by Inorganic Coatings, Inc. The coating was developed by Goddard to protect structures at KSC. Inorganic Coatings has an exclusive to this high ratio potassium silicate formula. The coating is water based, nontoxic, nonflammable, and bonds to steel in 30 minutes. Tests on a variety of coated structures have been very positive.
New Life for Miss Liberty

New Life for Miss Liberty

New Life for Miss Liberty

New Life for Miss Liberty