Health and Medicine

Skin Damage Assessment by Ultrasonic Waves

Originally published in 1991

Effective treatment of serious burns is dependent on early recognition of the extent of dead tissue and its removal to minimize the risk of infection and hasten healing. To meet the need for precise determination of burn depth, two physicists from Langley's Nondestructive Measurement Science Branch in cooperation with the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, and the NASA Technology Application Team, Research Triangle Institute, developed a prototype system that used ultrasound technology (originally developed as a means of detecting microscopic flaws in materials) for immediate assessment of burn depth. The system was commercialized by Westminster Supra Scanner, Inc., Orangeburg, NY, is produced under a NASA license, and was granted Food and Drug Administration approval in December 1990. It can be applied to the diagnosis of lymphatic disorders.

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Effective treatment of serious burns is dependent on early recognition of the extent of dead tissue and its removal to minimize the risk of infection and hasten healing. To meet the need for precise determination of burn depth, two physicists from Langley's Nondestructive Measurement Science Branch in cooperation with the Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, and the NASA Technology Application Team, Research Triangle Institute, developed a prototype system that used ultrasound technology (originally developed as a means of detecting microscopic flaws in materials) for immediate assessment of burn depth. The system was commercialized by Westminster Supra Scanner, Inc., Orangeburg, NY, is produced under a NASA license, and was granted Food and Drug Administration approval in December 1990. It can be applied to the diagnosis of lymphatic disorders.
Skin Damage Assessment by Ultrasonic Waves

Skin Damage Assessment by Ultrasonic Waves

Skin Damage Assessment by Ultrasonic Waves

Skin Damage Assessment by Ultrasonic Waves