
Bearing Failure Detection

Originally published in 1976

Shaker Research Corporation, under a contract with NASA, produced a test vehicle that measures resonant frequency of railroad roller bearings to identify source of bearings defects. Marshall scientists have developed a detection concept based on fact that bearing defects themselves excite resonant frequency of rolling elements of bearing as they impact the defect. By detecting resonant frequency and subsequently analyzing character of the signal, bearing defects may be detected and identified as to source. The bearing fault detector will help eliminate this cause of derailments.

Full article:

Shaker Research Corporation, under a contract with NASA, produced a test vehicle that measures resonant frequency of railroad roller bearings to identify source of bearings defects. Marshall scientists have developed a detection concept based on fact that bearing defects themselves excite resonant frequency of rolling elements of bearing as they impact the defect. By detecting resonant frequency and subsequently analyzing character of the signal, bearing defects may be detected and identified as to source. The bearing fault detector will help eliminate this cause of derailments.
Bearing Failure Detection

Bearing Failure Detection

Bearing Failure Detection

Bearing Failure Detection