Originally published in 1977
Ampex videofile offers advantage over microfilm for filing, storing, retrieving, and distributing large volumes of information in digital code rather than in pictorial form. Derived from spacecraft, microfilm allows visual storage of whole documents, it requires a step before usage (developing the film). With videofile, actual document is recorded complete with photos and graphic material and a picture of the document is available instantly. Videofile is particularly valuable for law enforcement agencies because of its exceptional reliability and compactness.
Full article: http://hdl.handle.net/hdl:2060/20070019898
Ampex videofile offers advantage over microfilm for filing, storing, retrieving, and distributing large volumes of information in digital code rather than in pictorial form. Derived from spacecraft, microfilm allows visual storage of whole documents, it requires a step before usage (developing the film). With videofile, actual document is recorded complete with photos and graphic material and a picture of the document is available instantly. Videofile is particularly valuable for law enforcement agencies because of its exceptional reliability and compactness.

