Energy and Environment

Wetlands Survey

Originally published in 1987

Ducks Unlimited, Inc. is dedicated to preservation of the world's waterfowl. Current inventories of wetland resources are crucial to effective waterfowl management. They contracted with NASA to use data from the LANDSAT satellites Thematic Mapper (TM), an advanced Earth scanning instrument that collects data in seven bands of the spectrum utilizing the Earth Resources Laboratory Applications Software (ELAS). The TM measures and records six values of light energy reflected from Earth and one value of heat energy as it scans the Earth below. On each orbital sweep, sensors produce a series of digital scenes representing features of Earth segments measuring about 100 by 110 miles, each scene covering about eight million acres, and each containing some 40 million bits of information called picture elements or pixels. They are computer processed and the resulting mosaic is projected on a digital display device.

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Ducks Unlimited, Inc. is dedicated to preservation of the world's waterfowl. Current inventories of wetland resources are crucial to effective waterfowl management. They contracted with NASA to use data from the LANDSAT satellites Thematic Mapper (TM), an advanced Earth scanning instrument that collects data in seven bands of the spectrum utilizing the Earth Resources Laboratory Applications Software (ELAS). The TM measures and records six values of light energy reflected from Earth and one value of heat energy as it scans the Earth below. On each orbital sweep, sensors produce a series of digital scenes representing features of Earth segments measuring about 100 by 110 miles, each scene covering about eight million acres, and each containing some 40 million bits of information called picture elements or pixels. They are computer processed and the resulting mosaic is projected on a digital display device.
Wetlands Survey

Wetlands Survey

Wetlands Survey

Wetlands Survey